Angela's Blog

May 23, 2017

Free From Strings

Filed under: That's Scripture!,Writing — willia28 @ 12:30 pm
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How many times have you listened to someone else’s opinion and then formed your opinion solely on another’s opinion?

How many times have you been swayed into a new way of thinking (about someone else) just from a simple statement from someone and you have no other evidence to support the statement made?

How many times have you felt strongly about something and because a good friend or multiple people started speaking contrary to your feelings you changed your stance?

Then your life just might be dangling on strings like a puppet…ready to dance as directed. Keep your hands free so you can dance freely.  Know what you know or research to clarify and determine otherwise as necessary.

Eph 4:14,15 Lev 19:16 Prov  20:19 Prov 26:21 Psa 34:13

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